Holidays are a time for relaxing and taking time to really see what is around you. Life no longer a blur of activity shaped by work, but a slow purr of life in tune with the natural rhythms that surround you. In Falmouth, the most noticeable rhythm is that of the tide. Each day the water is a little further in, or out, and it is often the state of the tide that gives a coastal walk its character. When it is out you have acres of beach and rocks to explore, when it is in you get to see more of the mesmerizing wavy sea.
At New Year as we strolled along some of our favourite coastal path walks and discovered new areas and views as we walked from Falmouth along the beautiful coastline. We saw schools of porpoises in the sea and contorted, slaty rocks forming rock pavements on the beaches, contorted by the geological thrusts that cut through the land here, sliding rocks high up on the backs of others. Where they have been worn down by the sea they often form sculptures that are so beautiful and unexpected you could call them Art.
Only a short walk from The Captain’s House, or a ferry ride away, and you can explore the gems that this coast has to offer. Gems that are hidden from sight if you walk too quickly – the secret is to slow down, relax, and take in the view. See the details that surround you. With a low tide on our afternoon strolls we discovered new beaches and secret coves. We watched oyster catchers, gannets and cormorants go about their beachside business; discovered driftwood, dramatic shaped stones and shells; and gazed into rock pools that were tinted pink.
Along with the many families enjoying afternoon strolls in the winter sunshine we met a local who had been spear fishing and caught Pollock. He told us that in spite of how it seemed from the top of the cliff, where the bottle-green water looked very clear, it was quite murky under water, which allowed him to better hide from his prey. He said that he often caught Flounder and sometimes saw Thorn-Backed rays, and that there were some Bass but more Pollock. He reckoned he was the only person in Cornwall to catch and eat a cuttlefish on Christmas day!
Up high on the cliffs or down along the rocky and sandy beaches the panoramic views up and down the coast and looking out to sea are always impressive. Whatever the weather the different light creates a new mood with each day.
With tide and time the beautiful Cornish seashore expands to reveal new treasures and treats of nature every time we walk along the coastal path. If you walked slowly enough it is just amazing what you can see and how easy it is to forget work, and a more blurry life, completely.